Looking for a reliable bass depping resource to support your ABBA tribute? 

There must be no music that connects better with so many generations than the unmistakable sound of ABBA.  With the secret formula to craft perfect pop, the band have become one of the biggest commercially successful pop acts of all time!  With even their ‘break up’ music sounding uplifting, it’s no surprise that ABBA has always been a crowd favourite and therefore consistently turns up on many cover band’s setlist I’ve depped with. 

Much is made of the Swedish fab four, however what would the songs be without those basslines from the late great Rutger Gunnarsson.  Sophisticated, syncopated and often improvised, it was only through studying all of the back catalogue that I gained a full appreciation of his often overlooked talent.  Whilst we all thank ABBA for the music, I thank Rutger for those basslines!!


From closely studying much of the extensive back catalogue and performing many of the ABBA hits over the years in different covers band, I believe I’m well placed to support your ABBA tribute.  If you are interested in using me as either an adhoc dep or more as a permanent dep resource then I’d be delighted to help.  Please click below to find out how I’d look to work with you or get in touch to contact me directly.