Want to improve quickly?  Practicing is a skill in itself, so take the time to learn how to practice more effectively. 

Creating an effective guitar practice schedule involves several key elements to maximize progress and enjoyment, allowing you to improve quickly. The purpose of practicing is to build new skills and further improve existing ones. Whether you’re a beginner learning the basics or an experienced player refining advanced techniques, practice is essential for growth. Here are a few top tips for getting this right.
1) The Environment – First, set up a comfortable and distraction-free environment where you can focus solely on your guitar. This might include a quiet room with good lighting, a comfortable chair, and all your equipment within easy reach.
2) Has to be fun – Making practice enjoyable is crucial; if you find yourself getting frustrated or bored, take a break and do something else for a while. Guitar practice should be a rewarding experience, not a chore.
3) Set Practice Session Goals – Challenge yourself by pushing beyond your comfort zone. This means setting goals that stretch your abilities, whether it’s mastering a new chord, playing at a faster tempo, or learning a complex piece.  Know your goals for each practice session and break them down into manageable pieces, such as consistently playing an exercise at 80 bpm before increasing the speed.  
4) Take Regular Breaks – To maintain focus and energy, incorporate regular structured breaks into your practice sessions. Concentrating intensely can be tiring, so short breaks can help you stay fresh and motivated.
5)  Learn Through Songs – Rather than just playing exercises incorporate them into playing actual songs.  This makes your practice more enjoyable and practical.
6) Record Yourself – Regularly record yourself playing and listen back critically, asking yourself what you liked and what areas need further work. This self-assessment helps you identify strengths and weaknesses, guiding your future practice sessions.
7) Track Your Progress – Recording your progress daily in a journal can provide motivation and track your improvements over time. 
8) Consistency Not Length of Practice – Remember, effective practice doesn’t require hours on end; focused and consistent practice is more effective than long, unfocused sessions.
9) Trust The Processs – Trust the process and understand that improvement comes with time and effort.
By following these steps, you’ll create a productive and enjoyable practice schedule that fosters continuous and rapid growth as a guitarist.